
How Long Can Your Car Stay Idle Without Being Driven?

The average number of days your car can stay idle in the car-park without being driven is about 15 days. Even though we are already well into phase 2 of re-opening of Singapore, many of us are still working from home. The specialists at Otua Auto recommend that you start your engines every 2 to 3 days and here’s why:   1. Keeps the car battery charged   The car engine uses the alternator to charge the battery. Thus, Otua Auto recommends that you start your engine occasionally to keep it charged. If your vehicle is left parked for a prolonged period of time (more than 7 days) without use, you might be faced with a painful bill at the end of it.   2. Prevents your tires from going out of shape There are two main reasons why the tyres will go out of shape. Firstly, your tyres might be already worn out in the first place. The lack of movement on the tyres along with Singapore’s relatively harsh weather conditions can warp the shape of the tires or make the rubber materials m...

COE Rising? Learn How That Affects Current Car Owners and New Buyers

Certificate of entitlement (COE) premiums have continued their upward trend for the 5th consecutive time (as of 17th April 2019). Can we expect COE Premiums to continue the climb up? How will this affect you as a car owner? Is this the right time to get a new car? Should I consider this when looking for ways  how to sell my car  or scrap my car for higher? Let us explore these topics below. 2018 had been a great year for car buyers with regards to COE premiums. Car buyers enjoyed a year-long period of relatively low COE prices with Category A (aka CAT A) premiums floating at $23,000 to $33,000. What was most surprising was that Category B (aka CAT B) premiums (which are traditionally higher than CAT A) have seen lower prices than CAT A COE premiums, on an average. Mostly, COE trends tend to happen over a prolonged period of time. While fluctuations in COE Premiums are a given factor, sharp changes are typically rare and happen only during a stage of “economic crisis” as well a...